542 research outputs found

    Economic Fluctuations, Child Mortality and Policy Considerations in the Least Developed Countries

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    Between 1990 and 2010 child mortality decreased in general terms in the Least Developed Countries (LDCs), although the differences between countries over time are significant. This paper examines the relationship between short-term economic fluctuations and changes in child mortality in the LDCs during the period 1990-2010. Unlike other studies, we consider a large group of LDCs and provide empirical evidence of the asymmetrical effects of variations in Gross Domestic Product per capita on the evolution of child mortality rate in periods of economic recession and expansion. The significance of said effects diminishes when other relevant socio-economic control variables are considered, and some development policy considerations are addressed in order to achieve the Millennium Development Goal 4 target

    Ti3SiC2-Cf composites by spark plasma sintering: Processing, microstructure and thermo-mechanical properties

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    MAX phases, and particularly Ti3SiC2, are interesting for high temperature applications. The addition of carbon fibers can be used to reduce the density and to modify the properties of the matrix. This work presents the densification and characterization of Ti3SiC2 based composites with short carbon fibers using a fast and simple fabrication approach: dry mixing and densification by Spark Plasma Sintering. Good densification level was obtained below 1400 °C even with a high amount of fibers. The reaction of the fibers with the matrix is limited thanks to the fast processing time and depends on the amount of fibers in the composite. Bending strength at room temperature, between 437 and 120 MPa, is in the range of conventional CMCs with short fibers and according to the resistance of the matrix and the presence of residual porosity. Thermo-mechanical properties of the composites up to 1500 °C are also presented.This work has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon2020 “Research and innovation programme” under grant agreement No 685594 (C3HARME

    Análisis Preliminar de la Influencia del Proceso de Torneado en la vida a fatiga de la Aleación de Aluminio UNS A92024-T351

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    Generalmente los elementos estructurales metálicos de las aeronaves se ubican en zonas de carga crítica, en la mayoría de los casos, estos elementos son conformados mediante procesos de mecanizado. La vida a fatiga de estos componentes es una propiedad dinámica muy importante que puede verse intensamente afectada por las condiciones superficiales producidas durante el proceso de mecanizado. En este trabajo se lleva a cabo un primer estudio de la influencia de los parámetros de corte en la resistencia a la fatiga de piezas torneadas de la aleación de aluminio aeronáutico UNS A92024-T351. Se ha prestado especial atención a la relación con el acabado superficial evaluado a partir de la rugosidad media aritmétic

    Multiscale electron microscopy for the study of viral replication organelles

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    During infection with positive-strand RNA viruses, viral RNA synthesis associates with modified intracellular membranes that form unique and captivating structures in the cytoplasm of the infected cell. These viral replication organelles (ROs) play a key role in the replicative cycle of important human pathogens like coronaviruses, enteroviruses, or flaviviruses. From their discovery to date, progress in our understanding of viral ROs has closely followed new developments in electron microscopy (EM). This review gives a chronological account of this progress and an introduction to the different EM techniques that enabled it. With an ample repertoire of imaging modalities, EM is nowadays a versatile technique that provides structural and functional information at a wide range of scales. Together with well-established approaches like electron tomography or labeling methods, we examine more recent developments, such as volume scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and in situ cryotomography, which are only beginning to be applied to the study of viral ROs. We also highlight the first cryotomography analyses of viral ROs, which have led to the discovery of macromolecular complexes that may serve as RO channels that control the export of newly-made viral RNA. These studies are key first steps towards elucidating the macromolecular complexity of viral ROs.Microscopic imaging and technolog

    Impacto del ciclo económico sobre la evolución de la supervivencia infantil en el mundo en desarrollo. Determinantes de la pobreza infantil en Europa

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    El presente trabajo se corresponde con dos investigaciones relacionadas con la infancia en situación de riesgo y vulnerabilidad. A) Examinamos la correspondencia entre las fluctuaciones económicas cíclicas y la evolución de la mortalidad infantil en los Países Menos Adelantados (PMA) durante el periodo 1990-2010, poniendo de manifiesto efectos asimétricos de las fluctuaciones económicas sobre la evolución de la mortalidad infantil en periodos de recesión y expansión económica. B) Valoramos en qué medida las diferencias en la tasa de pobreza infantil entre los países europeos pueden explicarse simultáneamente por características de los hogares (perspectiva micro) y por factores específicos de cada país (perspectiva macro), tales como prestaciones económicas en el ámbito de la protección a la infancia o situación socio-laboral general.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Impacto del ciclo económico sobre la evolución de la supervivencia infantil en los países menos adelantados

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    Entre 1990 y 2010 la mortalidad infantil ha decrecido en los Países Menos Adelantados (PMA) en términos generales, aunque con significativas diferencias entre países y entre periodos. Obviamente, dicha evolución se ha visto afectada por la situación económica de los países. Este trabajo examina la relación a corto plazo entre las fluctuaciones económicas y la evolución de la mortalidad infantil en los PMA durante el periodo 1990-2010. Para ello, realizamos un análisis de varianza discriminando entre periodos con crecimiento y decrecimiento en el Producto Interior Bruto (PIB) per cápita, que complementamos con un análisis de regresión para datos de panel con objeto de comprobar los efectos asimétricos de las variaciones del PIB per cápita sobre las tasas de mortalidad infantil en periodos de recesión y expansión económica. La significatividad de los efectos de los cambios en la coyuntura económica se reduce cuando consideramos variables control como el nivel educativo de las mujeres, la prevalencia del SIDA y la tasa bruta de natalidad.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Uncertain pasts and risk-sensitive futures in sub-Saharan urban transformation

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    This chapter explores the status and the scope for transition of risk- sensitive and transformative urban development in diverse cities of sub-Saharan Africa. Sub-Saharan Africa is important because of its large proportions of urban populations with high vulnerability and growing exposure to risks. High rates of urban growth pose increasing risks as we go into the future, yet there is also opportunity to reduce risk through integrating risk management into development. However, this opportunity space is often constrained by limited capacities to plan and manage the rapid urbanisation process, particularly in informal settlements. Limited capacities to prevent processes of risk accumulation pose threats to poverty reduction and sustainable development. In this context, there is an increasingly urgent need for squarely recognising and addressing the underlying vulnerabilities of urban populations and their root causes. Transitioning towards such sustainable urban pathways will require the strengthening of capacities and accountability of city authorities and broader governance systems, both formal and informal

    Arenas calizas para la confección de hormigones: influencia de sus finos calizos y arcillosos a nivel de morteros

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    For the purpose to obtain data for a next revision of the Spanish Concrete Norm about the content of fines in sands fixed to date on 5 % without exceptions, an exhaustive research project has been undertaken. Following, the results of the influence of different contents of calcareous and clayey fines in mortar mechanical properties, are shown, first step to begin the study of this influence on concretes made with limestone aggregate, presently in execution phase. Before those experimental works, a general survey at all the limestone aggregate quarries in northern area of the peninsula corresponding to the Basque Country, was accomplished. By the results obtained it seems that it will be possible to enlarge the limit untill 12-15%, if only a limited presence of clay is assured.Con el propósito de obtener datos para una próxima revisión de la Norma Española de Hormigón en cuanto al contenido en finos en arenas, actualmente fijado sin excepción en el 5%, se ha abordado un proyecto de investigación bastante exhaustivo. Se presentan a continuación los resultados de la influencia de diferentes contenidos de finos calizos y arcillosos en las propiedades mecánicas de los morteros, paso previo al estudio de dicha influencia en hormigones confeccionados con árido calizo de machaqueo, fase actualmente en ejecución. Previamente a estos trabajos experimentales se realizó una prospección general de todas las canteras de machaqueo de caliza en el área norte de la península, correspondiente al País Vasco. Por los resultados obtenidos parece que el límite podrá elevarse hasta el 12-15%, siempre que se garantice una presencia de arcilla limitada por ensayos

    Clinicobiological, immunophenotypic, and molecular characteristics of monoclonal CD56‐/+dim chronic natural killer cell large granular lymphocytosis.

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    Am J Pathol. 2004 Oct;165(4):1117-27. Clinicobiological, immunophenotypic, and molecular characteristics of monoclonal CD56-/+dim chronic natural killer cell large granular lymphocytosis. Lima M, Almeida J, Montero AG, Teixeira Mdos A, Queirós ML, Santos AH, Balanzategui A, Estevinho A, Algueró Mdel C, Barcena P, Fonseca S, Amorim ML, Cabeda JM, Pinho L, Gonzalez M, San Miguel J, Justiça B, Orfão A. Serviço de Hematologia, Unidade de Citometria, Hospital Geral de Santo António, Rua D Manuel II, s/n, 4099-001 Porto, Portugal. [email protected]. Abstract Indolent natural killer (NK) cell lymphoproliferative disorders include a heterogeneous group of patients in whom persistent expansions of mature, typically CD56(+), NK cells in the absence of any clonal marker are present in the peripheral blood. In the present study we report on the clinical, hematological, immunophenotypic, serological, and molecular features of a series of 26 patients with chronic large granular NK cell lymphocytosis, whose NK cells were either CD56(-) or expressed very low levels of CD56 (CD56(-/+dim) NK cells), in the context of an aberrant activation-related mature phenotype and proved to be monoclonal using the human androgen receptor gene polymerase chain reaction-based assay. As normal CD56(+) NK cells, CD56(-/+dim) NK cells were granzyme B(+), CD3(-), TCRalphabeta/gammadelta(-), CD5(-), CD28(-), CD11a(+bright), CD45RA(+bright), CD122(+), and CD25(-) and they showed variable and heterogeneous expression of both CD8 and CD57. Nevertheless, they displayed several unusual immunophenotypic features. Accordingly, besides being CD56(-/+dim), they were CD11b(-/+dim) (heterogeneous), CD7(-/+dim) (heterogeneous), CD2(+) (homogeneous), CD11c(+bright) (homogeneous), and CD38(-/+dim) (heterogeneous). Moreover, CD56(-/+dim) NK cells heterogeneously expressed HLA-DR. In that concerning the expression of killer receptors, CD56(-/+dim) NK cells showed bright and homogeneous CD94 expression, and dim and heterogeneous reactivity for CD161, whereas CD158a and NKB1 expression was variable. From the functional point of view, CD56(-/+dim) showed a typical Th1 pattern of cytokine production (interferon-gamma(+), tumor necrosis factor-alpha(+)). From the clinical point of view, these patients usually had an indolent clinical course, progression into a massive lymphocytosis with lung infiltration leading to death being observed in only one case. Despite this, they frequently had associated cytopenias as well as neoplastic diseases and/or viral infections. In summary, we describe a unique and homogeneous group of monoclonal chronic large granular NK cell lymphocytosis with an aberrant activation-related CD56(-/+dim)/CD11b(-/+dim) phenotype and an indolent clinical course, whose main clinical features are related to concomitant diseases. PMID: 15466379 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]PMCID: PMC161863